Monday, 21 October 2024

To Nanna with Love

Our Lovely Nanna

 On Behalf of the Dihood Family

       We’d like to thank everyone for coming to today's service for Our Beloved Nanna.  

We are sure we can still hear her in heaven asking for help with her PC, wondering when she’ll meet her son John’s long-time girlfriend, telling us something that always started with “to make a long story short” although we only ever heard the long story, and her signature phrase ‘Shut up Gerd!’

Her nickname to us was Nanna Boo Boo, as she always had her long hair tied back in a scrunchie or as we called them – boo boos.

Her love for her grandchildren & great grandchildren knew no bounds.

She would spoil us at every visit, especially on birthdays and at Christmas. And often we’d receive not one but two, three, even four of the same thing.

We’re not sure if she’d forget and buy it again, or she just thought we needed more than 1, but dad had to rent a storage box to house everything.

More precious though than any gift we received from Nanna was her love.

It was impossible to escape her warm hugs and kisses, complete with bright red lipstick marks on our cheeks, that you would spend the rest of the day not knowing were there.

When we were younger, we’d visit Nanna and Grandad’s house for a sleepover. Jayden and I would get the privilege of the master bedroom with Nanna, while Grandad was banished to the spare room. We’d play Pictionary, peg solitaire, a 2 day Monopoly marathon and watch Rolie Polie Olie.

When we were together, despite her owning many cupboards and bookshelves filled with movies, one of her favourite things to do with us was going to the movies.

On one occasion while leaving their house to see a movie at Forest Hill, Grandad hopped out of their old green car to shut the gates behind us. Nanna not realising he had left the car door open, continued to reverse taking out the fence panels with the car door on her way down the drive. 

We still have vague memories of Boxing Day Christmas celebrations spent with the entire family at her house. Looking back at family videos captured by Dad, Nanna knew how to host a party filled with music, dancing, racing down her staircase on our butts with cousin John, and lots of fun, love and laughter.

Although she did it tough with health complications throughout the final years of her life, Nanna always managed to bring a vibrant and positive presence to any room she was in.

She leaves us today with many memories to cherish, and our minds are put at ease knowing she is no longer in pain.

I’m sure she is watching over us, with her computer troubles, trying to figure out how to turn on her webcam, staring at the laptop screen with her magnifying glass and still telling Grandad to be quiet everytime he coughs.

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)