Monday, 21 October 2024

Is God Searchable?


 God is


You may ask:  what happens to those who never hear the name Jesus Christ nor read the Bible? Let me attempt to provide a short answer.

 Here it is

We are without excuse because God has revealed Himself to us through His creation.

The longer version

The psalmist wrote, “The heavens declare the glory of God and the skies announce what His hands have made. Day after day they tell the story, night after night they tell it again. They have no speech or words; they have no voice to be heard. But their message goes out into the entire world, their words go everywhere on earth.” (Psalm 19:1-4 ).

Every star is an announcement. Each leaf is a reminder. The glaciers are megaphones, the seasons are chapters, the clouds are banners. Nature is a song of many parts but one theme and one verse. 

God is

Creation is God’s first missionary. There are those who never held a Bible or heard a scripture. There are those who die before a translator puts God’s Bible in their language. There are millions who lived in ancient times before Christ or live in distant lands far from any Christian. There are the simple-minded who are incapable of understanding the Gospel. What does the future hold for the person who never hears of God?

The answer is clear. 

The human heart can know God through the handiwork of nature. If that is all one ever sees, that is enough. One need only respond to what he or she is given. And if he is given only the testimony of creation, then he has enough.


 Why did He do it?

 He did it for You!  He chose to create the universe for You . ”In the beginning God created…..”   (Genesis 1:1).

History began

With one decision, history began. Existence became measurable. Out of nothing came light. Out of light came day. Then came sky and earth.  And on the earth?  A mighty hand went to work. Canyons were carved. Oceans were dug. Mountains erupted out of flatlands.  Stars were flung into space. A universe sparkled. Our sun became just one of billions. Our galaxy became one of trillions.

Sunrises yet

 Sometimes, out of His great wisdom, our Father in heaven gives us a piece of heaven just to show He cares. Find such love hard to believe? That’s okay, just because we can’t imagine God’s giving us sunrises, don’t think God doesn’t do it. 

God’s thoughts are higher than ours. God’s ways are greater than ours.  

      If you were the only person on earth, the earth would look just the same.

 From The Lucado Inspirational Reader. © Max Lucado. 2011. ( Edited )

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)