Saturday, 30 November 2024

WWIII potentially sparked by Biden, Zelenski Presidents accused by Joe Rogan

Greetings  Reader,

Alarming but decisively spoken post from Podcaster Joe Rogan slammed Ukrainian  President Zelenski after he used US and UK  permitted long range missiles against targets in Russia. 

J. Rogan accused the Ukrainian President of starting another World War by utilising Biden and Starmer permission to attack key Russian   targets. Additionally Rogan slammed outgoing President Biden for causing this malicious prompt of escalation for WW111 while in office. 
Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that if Ukraine obtained Nuclear weapons,  then  he would,use  everything.
President elect Donald Trump had already made a campaign  promise that on Day one he would oversee a diplomatically negotiated peace between  warring President Zelenski and Russian President Putin

Anyway, this has planted worldwide Podcaster Joe Rogan even more firmly on the global map.

Any comments? Amplify or consolidate.

Discerning What to Say ?



We need discernment in what we say from our pulpits

The Gospel we preach is political (we declare that Jesus is Lord and “Caesar” is not) and therefore the church is a political community.

   We are political in the sense that we are a “contrast community” whose life is ordered under Christ and should be markedly different from other communities.

   Our power does not come from wealth, nor power from economic currency, economic standing or military might. Instead it comes from Christian love, prophetic witness, generosity, prayer, personal influence, preaching and sacrificial service.


One hotly contested issue is whether politics should be preached from the pulpit in America. This is not an easy question. We should proceed carefully and pray for discernment when faced with the question of whether to address a political issue from the pulpit.

 If we decide to do so, we must be confident that our words and concerns arise from God’s words and concerns as expressed in Scripture. If we are confident that our words and concerns match God’s, we might address the situation directly. If we are not so confident, we might merely raise a question about the issue and say that Christians should pray for discernment. A preacher might be confident in addressing the problem of abortion from the pulpit, for example, but likely would not preach about federal regulation of the aviation industry.

Certainly the post - modern Church could address contentious topics like Climate Change.The sweeping global reality of transgenderism and on the multiple fronts, the social blight of neo- techno Utopianism   the emerging challenges of transhumanism. Identity politics,  critical race theory and ageism are important issues of today.These social issues are significant problems and  are worthy of concerted efforts by pulpits measures.

But in the face of evil, we must not be silent. Silence towards the enemy is tacit to condoning that evil. Evil marches  forward when good men are subdued or hesitant. Nations decline and fail when  good men and women, boys and girls are missing with inaction separated from vast knowledge- hubs and disengaged from public debare and life. Jesus said, in the world  you will have  trouble, but be cheerful i have overcome...and so can we.

Every Square Inch: An Introduction to Cultural Engagement for Christians

The above resource inspired this post initially. I hope you enjoyed my post(s) and would care to comment pro or con. Thank you, my reader.  Keep returning to amplify and consider. 




What makes Christianity a unique religion?

              bible reading: Luke 1:1–4

key bible verse: Having carefully investigated all of these accounts from the beginning, I have decided to write a careful summary for you, to reassure you of the truth of all you were taught. (Luke 1:3–4)

Christianity encourages honest investigation. There was a lot of interest in Jesus, and many people had written firsthand accounts about him. Luke, an apostle, may have used these accounts and all other available resources as material for an accurate and complete account of Jesus’ life, teachings, and ministry. Because truth was important to Luke, he relied heavily on eyewitness accounts. Christianity does not say, “Close your eyes and believe,” but rather, “Check it out for yourself.” The Bible encourages you to investigate its claims thoroughly (John 1:46; 21:24; Acts 17:11–12), because your conclusion about Jesus is a life-and-death matter.

 Neil S. Wilson, The Handbook of Bible Application


Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Team Trump


Trump and his Outsider Conservative Team may face an uphill battle with the remainder administration of Biden/ Harris Presidency. 

However pragmatic  and stratafied American know- how shall win the fray. When the enemies of Western democracy say that Trump is too much, it's not ever enough. The US Marines raised its flag during the Battle of Iwo Jima on Mt Suribachi in the final stages of the Pacific. War.

Jesus said, I shall be lifted up....

Tribes of Christians versus Government in South Sudan.

The Muslim government forces in Sudan have long been engaged in a campaign to wipe out the tribal militia in South Sudan. This conflict has its roots in long-standing ethnic and religious tensions between the Muslim-dominated government in Khartoum and the predominantly Christian and animist tribes in the south.

The government forces have used brutal tactics in their attempts to crush the tribal militia, including mass killings, rape, and the displacement of entire communities. They have also attempted to cut off the militia's supply lines and destroy their bases in order to weaken their ability to resist.

However, despite these efforts, the tribal militia in South Sudan has proven to be resilient and determined in their fight against the government forces. They have continued to launch attacks and resist the government's attempts to eradicate them.

The conflict has resulted in a devastating humanitarian crisis, with thousands of people killed and millions displaced from their homes. The international community has condemned the government's actions and called for an end to the violence.

In conclusion, while the Muslim government forces in North Sudan have made efforts to wipe out the tribal militia in South Sudan, their attempts have not been successful. The conflict continues to rage on, with both sides locked in a brutal and protracted struggle for control. The only way to truly end the violence and suffering in South Sudan is through a negotiated peace settlement that addresses the root causes of the conflict and ensures the rights and security of all parties involved.
The  peace settlement is likely to happen  after the inaugural duration of the 47th US President Trump. Its likelihood isn't immediately  guaranteed but the parties may be compelled if a G20 and UN meeting on the matter is successfully arranged. President-elect Donald Trump has been robust in his numerous attempts to get some traction and momentum on global Christian issues.
It's believed by many that Iran and Qatar have their fingers in these ongoing hostilities.Plus there is some evidence that Israel provides for the improvising South Sudanese militia.

(Thanks to Ian Arwedt for the co- authoring of this post.)

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

The Real Cost of Net Zero !

The Real Cost of Net Zero isn't Zero!


It's more like One followed by multiple Zeros!
The decimal is the Point.
The Capital and Labour is the issue.
But without Foreign Investment there is shortage without  Hi-Technology Storage. But even that is Not  the Real and urgent Need and Issue.

Tragedy for the everyday consumer!
and the Real Cost Tragedy to the Nation... and the World.  Hhmmm ?
Does this mean, go more gas or should we sow even more multiple billions and not weed? When do we harvest? When  do utilities become cheaper? If ever?
What about carbon capture technologies? What about go- nuclear?

Please watch the documentary: The Real Cost of Net Zero .on Sky website -Australia.

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Monolithic Truth? Or Bologna?

 Truth Solo? Or Baloney?



As terrible as fake news is and mis and dis information has been utilised since the earliest years of mankind... well, Free speech has been fought for nearly as much. Only Christianity changed the virus of lies into freedom of speech when and where men and women told the unstained truth. Men and women who followed the precepts of honesty as proclaimed by that marvellous Theologian of Christ.

Put off the old man...

It's been said that lies travel faster around the world than truth can put on its trousers. Winston Churchill said words to that affect. Truth, a rare commodity in today's world of spin, legalese and taffee- stretching reporting.

When Pontus Pilate asked the King of the Jews,  what is truth? Jesus of Nazareth simply stood there. Was he afraid to tell the truth about his mission or what he was up to? Did he shut his mouth because he was frightened? Or had he simply wanted appear knowledgeable by not answering any questions? Toughing his way out of trouble before the Roman procurator. Was he the ancient consummate politician or the Messiah as Hebrew ( and as  Christians  later believed) prophecy proclaimed? Where does the truth lie? Or stand?

Did he,  in fact, just stand there as the embodiment of Truth in a human being?

Friday, 8 November 2024

Believe it or not?



Belief in Gods and faith in God

 Believe it or not?

 We might think that we can divide all human beings into two groups: those who believe in God and those who do not. Often in conversations, one person will ask another, “Do you believe in God?” and receive a simple yes or no.

But that way of thinking obscures the vast complication of the question.

  For “God” means many things to many people. There is the highest Hindu god, Brahma, who resides far from the realm of human thought, beyond light and darkness, beyond good and evil. There is Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, who gets jealous and angry, commits adultery and tosses lightning bolts at people. There is Aristotle’s Prime Mover, the first cause of everything, who nevertheless does not know or love anything on the earth. There is the God of pantheists like Plotinus, Spinoza, and Hegel, who are identical to the world and the world to him.


 There is the God of deists like Lord Herbert, who thinks that God made the world run according to natural laws and never interfered with it again. To some, God is a benevolent grandfather figure or grandmother whose love excludes any kind of punishment or discipline. To some, God is a blessing disperser who gives people everything they want as long as they pray with enough faith. To still others, God is a cosmic policeman who stands ready to pounce on anyone who makes a moral mistake.

Then there are the gods of the amateur theologians, the ones who say, “Yes, I believe in God,” and immediately follow that with, “My God is like this,” or “My God would never do that.” 

Clearly, it is not the case that all these “gods” are different names of one being. These “gods” are vastly different. Also we can similarly dismiss the common comment that “under the surface, all religions are the same.” Worshiping Aristotle’s Prime Mover is clearly distinct from worshiping Baal or Aphrodite.

 Consider an accomplished, many Oscar-awarded Actor or singer like Taylor Swift. Such are often worshiped as deities or gods. Then there are the sex goddesses of the New Age kind. What of the survivor–gods and money- gods or power or fame? Clearly they are worshiped as gods. Then there is the god of science and technology. Or the universe which many contend acts like a god.

But who is your ultimate god and have you heard of the “one true God?”



Monday, 4 November 2024

Freedom to Believe


 Freedom to Believe


Os Guinness writes, “Freedom of religion and belief affirms the dignity, worth and agency of every human person by freeing us to align ‘who we understand ourselves to be’ with ‘what we believe ultimately is,’ and then to think, live, speak and act in line with those convictions.”

 Just as the individual possesses freedom of conscience, Australia should continue to provide freedom of religion in the land.


Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)